

Soul Worker . Curator . Spiritual Midwife.

“Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you’re left only with what you love, with what’s necessary, with what makes you happy.” ~ Leo Babauta

Who am I? I am a curator…a cultivator of deep healing that stems from my own extensive inner journey, married with some unique personal aptitudes and an eclectic blend of skills and trainings. Together this mix of experience and innate vision, is utilized to help clients lean into, and touch, the truth of who they are.

My work is grounded in psychospirtual and transpersonal realms of thought, practice, and worldviews. Indigenous Spirituality was my blessed entry point into this understanding. I honor the teachers and wisdom keepers of this sacred way.

Formal training acquired includes Transformational Coaching (Certified 2010) and Transpersonal Psychology (MA, 2009). Shadow/parts work stems from this field of study as does a deeper understanding of the language of the transpersonal. This manifests through symbolic vision, dreamwork and and the recognition of archetypal patterns, all of which inform what I do at a very deep level. I’m simply wired to see the connections.

Adding to this transpersonal mix, is training in somatic, compassion, psychedelic, meditative and wisdom practices (see training, tools and credentials). Most recently, Psychedelic Harm Reduction training (2021), as well as Wisdom School training with Cynthia Bourgeault (Centre for Action and Contemplation, 2021), and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach (class of 2023) are adding incredible depth to my work while simultaneously expanding my own consciousness. These acquired and innate insights, alongside decades of experience as a nurse and nurse educator, help me to walk the Middle Way between the transpersonal and the challenging reality of this sentient life.

Who am I? I am a Soul Worker. I curate, plant, and find that which has been sought. Mindful – Compassionate – Soul Healing is fundamental to my practice and the work of healing and restoring the wounded soul. It is fundamental to the work of MY soul. It defines my approach to life.

Where am I?

I currently reside in Kingston, Ontario with my family. In addition to my coaching practice, I work part-time at Queen’s University delivering Wellness Coaching, as well as compassion and mental health education to nursing students. I have lived and worked in western Canada, the Arctic, and Australia

Training, tools and credentials:

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words.
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."
C. G. Jung