Seeing the sacred in all things

Seeing the sacred in all things

In the context of the "bullying" phenomenon that has gripped our society in recent years, it seems apt to revisit a posting from August entitled "Beyond simplicity: Seeing the sacred in all things" found at

As we struggle to understand the cruelty and the dehumanization that stands at the centre of such behaviour, it seems important to consider that which has been lost - or perhaps misplaced - as a reflection of societal evolution. In the context of bullying, what seems to have been misplaced is a sense of reverence for life, where joy rather than hatred is cultivated and embraced. It seems that a strange trajectory has taken flight that fuels the most unsavory aspects of our human potential. "We live in a time when it seems that our society, our culture has lost touch with what is sacred. Perhaps we have lost our understanding of what “sacred” means" (Dr. Illana Berger). Perhaps it is time to slow down and notice our detachment from self and other and the sacred, and to revision what it is that we want our society and our species to BE.

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