I recently learned of the death of an old friend - a travel companion from years long past. Although we were no longer in contact, I found myself unexpectedly reeling from the news of her passing. She was my age. Her illness progression had been swift, with only 3 months between time of diagnosis and her passing. As I tried to make sense of the feelings that stirred within, I became deeply contemplative. I also became keenly aware of the emergence of synchronicities that seemed divinely orchestrated – designed it seemed, to help me grasp the lesson at the heart of such news. Of particular note, was CBC’s broadcast of “Living Out Loud” that played later that day. I was drawn to the power of this title, for it conveyed to me the importance of choosing the kind of life I want to live – and, in the context of my friends passing, the timing of that choice was Now.
Interestingly, one month prior - on December 6, 2011 - I had crossed the threshold of my 50th year. Every day since then, I have consciously worked to cultivate an attitude and an approach to life that fosters my desire to “live out loud”. I had chosen to make 2012 a year of hope and optimism and positivity, and I must say that such a choice is manifesting a tremendous energetic payback. I truly do feel happier as a result, more willing and able to embrace the magic that life can offer. And, in its wake the unconscious and outmoded patterns of my existence slowly become transformed. The result…a life of renewed vigor.
As I reflect on how “loudly” my friend had lived her life, I feel deeply affirmed for the choice that I have made to cultivate a life of joyful living. I am grateful to her for that lesson and grateful too, for the choice to truly SEE life differently. With that in mind, I am excited by the manifestation of a long-desired dream to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Pichu this spring. A pilgrimage of sorts, it not only marks a significant time of passage for both my husband and I, it also marks the threshold of change into a life of gratitude and joy.
To end my reflection, I share with you what it means to me to “live out loud”. These are my musings…
To “live out loud” means living in joy and hope and positivity; it means embracing opportunity, releasing attachment to suffering, and finding gratitude in life; it means coming from a place of appreciation for the lessons that life provides and the growth that accompanies even the most difficult of times; it means venturing out of my comfort zone and moving beyond entrenched patterns that speak more to routine than they do to truly living. And finally, to “live out loud” means making the most of every moment, and it means connecting joyfully with spirit, where the very best of me resides.