

The past seven weeks have been weighed down by a pace and workload that have left me slightly breathless. As I emerge from this period of intensity, I return to reflect on a blog posted earlier this year. Within it, exists the patterning typical of lessons still being learned. I am posting it once again as a way of revisiting the choices that I need to consider making in order to achieve the balance that I so crave...

February 2012
As I revisit recent postings on aging, I reflect on a growing desire to embrace this life from a place of joy and all consuming wonder. Equal to this, however, is a conscious desire to experience the delicious solitude of quiet retreat where ones voice is all there is...where withdrawal from the pace of the world becomes a fundamental part of knowing oneself. Although previously reflected on in "Seeking simplicity" the following article speaks to this essential aspect of being quietly in the world. Where "yoga, or meditation, or tai chi...aren't New Age fads so much as ways to connect with what could be called the wisdom of old age." I like what it has to say. Enjoy the read...

The joy of quiet...